
Unit Objective:  

Students will understand the meaning and practical application of respect, trust, and boundaries, that they are the basis of Whole Selves, and that Whole Selves teaches them about being a healthy and safe adult.

Standards Met:

  • MEH1.5.12 Explain the importance of respecting the personal space and boundaries of others. (HBO 2,3,8)
  • MEH1.5.14 Give examples of pro-social behaviors (e.g., helping others, being respectful of others, cooperation, consideration). (HBO 2,7,8)
  • S3.2.1 Identify trusted adults at home who can help promote safety and injury prevention.
  • S3.2.2 Identify trusted adults and professionals in school who can help promote safety and injury prevention (e.g., school principal, facility and maintenance staff).
  • S3.2.3 Identify trusted adults and professionals in the community who can help promote safety and injury prevention (e.g., police, firefighter).

Objective Outcomes:

By the end of this unit, Students will be able to:

  • Identify that Whole Selves is a class that will help them become healthy and safe adults.
  • Identify topics from the Whole Selves curriculum that they want to learn more about (self-esteem, boundaries, self-care and hygiene, emotions, self-advocacy, puberty, and public and private).
  • Define and identify examples of trust and no trust.
  • Define and identify examples of respect and no respect.
  • Define boundaries.
  • Define trusted adult.
  • Identify a trusted adult.
  • Students will be able to identify expectations and rules that help create a safe and healthy classroom environment.
  • Students will be able to describe ways in which they can follow the rules and contribute to a safe and healthy classroom environment.

Unit Outline:

Unit Pre-Assessment
Note: You may consider using a word bank for the second question.
Lesson One – What is Whole Selves?
45 Minutes
Students are introduced to the broad goals of the Whole Selves program and choose which topics they’d like to learn more about.
Lesson Two – Trust, Respect, and Boundaries
45 Minutes
Students learn about trust, respect, and boundaries through definitions, sorting activity, role-play, and example cards.
Lesson Three – Trusted Adult
45 Minutes
Students identify adults in their lives that are trustworthy and can help keep them safe.
Lesson Four – Expectations and Rules
45 Minutes
Students learn the rules and expectations of the Whole Selves classroom
Unit Post Assessment
20 Minutes
Note: You may consider using a word bank for the second question.


Unit Vocabulary and Definitions:

Whole Selves: a class where we learn to become healthy and safe adults
Trust: when you can count on someone
Respect: treating others with kindness
Boundaries: rules that tell us how to treat others
Trusted Adult: a grown-up that you can count on to help you and keep you safe

NOTE: Prior to teaching the first lesson, send home the “Letter Home/Unit Vocabulary and Definitions” with each student.


Unit Materials

  • Pre/Post Assessment
    Assessment Worksheet
    Teacher Rating Scale
  • Lesson Materials
  • Lesson 1: What is Whole Selves?
    • Student Friendly Objectives
    • Topic Cards
    • Whole Selves Booklet
    • Exit Tickets
  • Lesson 2: Trust, Respect, and Boundaries
    • Student Friendly Objectives
    • Trust, Respect and Boundaries Basket Labels
    • Definition Cards
    • Trust, Respect, and Boundaries PowerPoint
    • Trust, Respect, and Boundaries Example Cards
    • Trust, Respect, and Boundaries Worksheet
    • Exit Ticket
      Supplemental Materials

      • Building Trust Scenarios
      • Trust, Respect, and Boundaries PowerPoint Presenter Notes
  • Lesson 3: Trusted Adult
    • Student Friendly Objectives
    • Trusted Adult Definition Card
    • Trusted Adult / No Trust Basket Labels
    • Trusted Adult / No Trust Sorting Cards
    • My Trusted Adult Worksheet
    • Exit Ticket
      Supplemental Materials

      • My Trusted Adult Extra Worksheet
  • Lesson 4: Expectations and Rules
    • Student Friendly Objectives
    • Rules in Whole Selves PowerPoint
    • Rules in Whole Selves PowerPoint Presenter Notes
    • Expectations and Rules Example Cards
    • Exit Ticket

Letter Home/Unit Vocabulary and Definitions

Setting the Tone Letter Home – Vocab